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Bástya public park

Koszorú Lajos
Teampannon Kft.
Designed in
Built in
1053 Budapest, Bástya utca 1–11.
Budapest Award of Architectural Excellence, Commendation, 2023
In the downtown area, every bit of space transforming into greenery matters. The Bástya Park, despite its miniature size, has been created with an exceptionally diverse range of intellectual and functional programs. It is a contemporary design that, alongside accommodating various park functions, can also present the most well-preserved section of the historical city wall.
Due to the troubled past of the site and the ownership constantly changing over time, it was not at all obvious that the end result could be this high-quality downtown public garden. Another outcome of the development is that it provides not only the locals, but also the students of the nearby Bástya Kindergarten and Veres Pálné High School with open-air playgrounds and sports opportunities that the educational institutions cannot offer for children in the densely built-up blocks. The green plot ratio of the former car park and grounds have improved a lot, now the green oasis has relevant air-conditioning effect on the surrounding areas. A quite exceptional fact is that an agreement was also reached with the neighboring apartment building to transform the firewall into a green wall. All of this is accompanied by an exemplary maintenance worthy of praise. Let’s create even more of these parks on the downtown vacant lots!
Ágó Mátyás Attila, Kenese István, Kétszeri Ádám Zsolt, Borsós Ferenc, Várady Tamás, Stocker György DLA
Gulyás Attila, Tornai Mátyás, Fortepan/Hlatky Katalin-Főkert

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