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Walk-in GP Clinic for Adults and Children
Mészáros Erzsébet, Szepesi János, Stiebel Rita
Káva Kft., Studio Stisze Bt.
Designed in
Built in
1106 Budapest, Kerepesi út 67.
Budapest Award of Architectural Excellence, Special Commendation, 2018
The Municipality of District X set the goal of converting and modernizing the Walk-in GP Clinic for Adults and Children in 2014. The ground floor of the existing obsolete building was demolished and replaced with an atrium-like layout with medical units for adults on one side and for children on the other side. The spatial organization of the finished work is a simple and logical system, which is also reflected in the design of the entrances and façades.
The cool elegance of the completely rebuilt medical station makes the design an example beyond itself representing how to imagine a qualitative renewal of the public buildings located in Plattenbau housing estates. The clinic was reconstructed within the original contours above the basement, which was kept but converted to a space of functionally proper ceiling height. The building has a block-like appearance, but inside the mass, which was finely articulated at the entrances, the main feature remained unchanged: services are provided partly for ill adults and partly for ill or healthy children. The floor plan layout has resulted in a logical, transparent design and a clear spatial arrangement. In the core of the atrium a courtyard is created, from where natural light comes to the waiting rooms. Also, the glass walls provide a direct outdoor connection for those waiting in the interior. Although the different usage of the waiting rooms opening to the courtyard do not allow the free use of the atrium, the direct visual outdoor connection may be even more comforting when the courtyard gets richer planting. The fiber cement façade cladding is decent, but generous. The upgrading of the building is an exemplary solution both in its formal appearance and in the building engineering solutions reflecting the standard of the era. All this radiates to the immediate environment too, which was reconstructed in parallel to the building, forming complete unity with the new development. The modernization is an exemplary reinterpretation of a formerly depressing building thought to be hopeless, standing in a dismal environment.
Architect collaborators
Horváth Roberta (Káva Kft.)
Structural engineering
KENESE Mérnöki Iroda Kft.
Building services engineering
Energo-pont Kft., E6 System Kft.
High current
Major Projekt Kft.
Nagy Gábor ev.
Fire protection
BNN Kft.
Mészáros Erzsébet, Szepesi János, Varga József Zoltán
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