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Renovation of the „Gomba” on Móricz Zsigmond körtér

Szabó Levente, Gyüre Zsolt
Hetedik Műterem Kft.
Designed in
Built in
1114 Budapest, Móricz Zsigmond körtér („Gomba”)
Budapest Award of Architectural Excellence, Commendation, 2015
The renovation of the former transportation pavilion standing on Móricz Zsigmond körtér was completed in 2014. This reconstruction has served as a point of reference ever since for architects, monument preservation experts and critics on how and with what freedom a historical building can be touched that was built in the mid-20th century.
Buildings erected in the mid-twentieth century or later are not old enough to have an evident historic value. Therefore, the perception of the transportation building designed and built by József Schall during World War II, being largely neglected and dilapidated for nearly seventy years, has always been highly controversial for professionals and the public alike. The palette of utilization proposals ranged from demolition through complete rebuilding to the conservation of materials and details identical with the original ones. The building consistently preserved the original architectural concept and primary building structures while being implemented with contemporary doors and windows in accordance with today's technical requirements, which generated intense professional debate, revealing the hundred and fifty-year dilemmas of purism, reconstruction, and restoration. The renovation of high architectural quality goes beyond these alternatives thanks to the architects’ responsible design decisions. The approach, taking the existing as a starting point, being free of loud gestures but consciously focusing on the essence of the building, led to a thought-provoking metamorphosis: thus the Gomba (“Mushroom”) has become a contemporary building in which the past is powerfully present.
Szentirmai Tamás, Biri Balázs

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