Budapest Legend
Budapesti kortárs építészet térképen
Budapest contemporary architecture map
Municipality of Budapest, Retirement Home
Töős György, Erdélyi-Gáspár Judit, Lenzsér-Mezei Kata, Fátyol Tibor
Artonic Kft.
Designed in
Built in
1047 Budapest, Baross utca 100.
Budapest Award of Architectural Excellence, nominee, 2015
The design task was to create a retirement home through the renovation of a former hunting lodge and by designing a new wing attached to it. The architect was commissioned with the job after winning the open competition for the design.
High walls separate the ensemble of plastered old and all-brick new parts from the outside world. Residents' rooms open to a courtyard with garden access or a cloister, depending on their state of health. The street appearance, expressed in a tight order, cannot and does not want to adapt to its immediate, degraded environment, thus the enclosed atmosphere prevails even more strongly. Residents can spend their time in dignified conditions, in homely spaces made of durable, low-maintenance materials interwoven with several inner gardens.
Szentiváni János
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