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Deutsche Schule Budapest

Hartvig Lajos, Matus István, Brigitte Scheffler
Bánáti + Hartvig Építész Iroda Kft., Scheffler + Partner Architekten BDA
Designed in
Built in
1121 Budapest, Cinege út 8/c.
Budapest Award of Architectural Excellence, award certificate, 2001
The generous massing of the school building, built on a plot on the eastern slope of the Sváb-hegy, simultaneously creates a high-quality architectural identity and responds to the surrounding natural environment. At the same time, its interiors meet modern educational requirements and provide a homely environment for the school's students and teachers.
The buildings can be approached from three directions: the main entrance opens from Csipke út, those arriving by bus from Kútvölgyi út can get to the school on the “pier” passing through the wooded area, but it can also be reached by car from György Aladár utca. The old hunting lodge on the plot, after its reconstruction, accommodates the first four grades of the school and the caretaker's apartment. The building of the high school is located on the slightly sloping upper part facing Csipke utca. The building mass adapts to the terrain as a circular segment, continuously following the topographic lines. The basic element of the mass formation is the variable-width corridor, which, as some kind of street, lines up the classrooms and organizes the public flow of the school on the building side facing the valley. The main entrance from Cinege út leads to the two-storey lobby, from where open all the rooms of the school requiring central location (lecture hall, library, buffet, cartaker’s office). The building parts that need larger enclosing mass, such as the hall and the gym, are partially sunken in the ground, making good use of the terrain. The classrooms are organized into units separated by staircases: each section consists of four north-northeast-oriented classrooms with a veranda-like, south-facing foyer. The foyers also serve as corridors, provide space for wardrobes and lavatories and a separate group room. There is a direct garden connection for the special classrooms and art rooms on the ground floor, thus creating the possibility of outdoor education.
Bujnovszky Tamás

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