Budapest Legend
Budapesti kortárs építészet térképen
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British Embassy (originally the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Fred Dubbeling, Bozsó Annamária, Borostyánkői Mátyás DLA, Nedelykov Ákos
Designed in
Built in
1022 Budapest, Füge utca 5.
Budapest Award of Architectural Excellence, award certificate, 1996
This house is completely different from the others. Other than the neighboring houses, different from the Hungarian fashion trend, different from what we are familiar with. Yet it takes just a few minutes to fall in love with it. The geometric, refined mass composition and interior of the former Dutch, now British embassy building simultaneously express dignity and closeness to people: maybe that is exactly what an embassy building should be like.
Its architecture is distinctly simple: a coexistence of moderate, smooth-surfaced geometric shapes. It consists of two individual building parts being separated or connected by a huge tree. One is a residential building, the other is an office wing. However, similar formal features fuse the two separate units into one house. The entrance to the main building is well accentuated but not ostentatious. Security barriers and grids are not conspicuous, the strict protection system is provided by invisible technology. Thus, the reception foyer can remain airy and light. The public areas are extremely elegant and exciting, and perfectly serve the main functions (reception, hall, kitchenette, meeting room) at the same time. The meeting room was particularly well designed: its exemplary solution could be taught how to design and furnish such a room. The upstairs offices have a simple, practical design, yet not rigid, but rather friendly. The service rooms are perfectly connected to the main functions and at the same time well separated. The building and cladding materials of the house (brick, granite, glass brick) complement the plastered surfaces well. The garden contains imaginative, witty details. The ensemble is a carefully and creatively designed, coherent architectural work, with high quality construction.
Häider Andrea
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